Via del Gelsomino, 22 – 50053 Empoli  (Firenze)

P. (+39) 0571 520195
M. (+39) 335 5273126

P.IVA  05376660485

Villa between land and sea at Punta Ala

A villa with elegant geometries brought back to life through careful design of the interior and exterior spaces. A summer residence set in a large garden with exotic influences.

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Loft in liberty-style palazzo in Florence

A large loft carefully designed in every detail with evocative views over the Lungarni

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Discrete luxury in Florence

This historical apartment is a mix between renaissance style and modernity

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Light, colour and design in Chianti

A new farmhouse in Chianti, amidst ceramics and modern details

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Villa in Punta Ala (Grosseto)

An exclusive villa brought back to life with large windows overlooking the outdoor areas

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I believe that the relationship between an architect and client should be constant and flawless and an architect should be able to combine Empathy, Eclecticism and Technique.

It starts from the deepest needs of any client, such as search for a perfect house, detailed-oriented design and last but not least maintenance of it over time.

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Filippo Cei obtained a degree in Architecture in Florence with a thesis on Industrial Design. He has collaborated with long-time friend Ettore Sottsass Jr. and worked with Michele Bonan for many years designing interiors for private homes, hotel groups and the sailing world. His interior design works have been published in both Italian and foreign magazines.


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